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这要取决于对羟基苯甲醛中的杂质,杂质不同,可能提纯除杂的方法不同。 除杂的原则: (1)不增:不增加新的杂质; (2)不减:被提纯的物质不能减少; (3)易分:操作简便,易于分离; 常见物质除杂总结 原物所含杂质除杂质试剂除杂质的方法 (1)N2
氨基酸(amino acid)既含氨基又含酸性基团的有机化合物。生物体中绝大多数是带羧基的氨基酸。α氨基酸是蛋白质的主要组分,是生物体中最重要的氨基酸。α-氨基酸的立体结构除甘氨酸外,α-氨基酸的α-碳原子上所连结的4个基团都不相同。



Diamino是操作人员的快速、高效的辅助系统,可以使得测试样版裁片的多种组合变得简单,并且可以准确地再利用之前所提供的数据,这样就可从现有的排料上创建一个新的排料。 Modaris是世界最领先的样版设计解决方案。利用Modaris可以创造出一种匹配您的生产力需求及用户的操作环境的专家级别的工作环境。 Modaris提供以任务为导向的传统打版工具使样版的生产更快速:从设计草图产生新款式样版或从现有的款式中进行修改;既有传统的放码方式又有高阶的自动放码;用最新技术进行裁片修改,工业化制作及执行生产前准备工作,为整个生产过程节约了时间。而且, Modaris精确的尺寸制作及放码功能极大地减少了连续及重复地修改和调整工作。同时,由于Modaris强大地文件转换功能,使公司内部及外部地文件交流及沟通变得更方便且简单!
第一个是家具及家饰-排料解决 第二个是服装设计



fastpcr is a free software for microsoft windows and is based on a new approach in the design of pcr primers for standard and long pcrs, inverse pcr, direct amino acid sequence degenerate pcr, multiplex pcr, in silico pcr and group-specific pcr (common primers for multiple sequences), single primering pcr, automatically ssr loci detection and direct pcr primers design; for sequence alignments, clustering and any kind repeat sequence, mite elements and ssr loci searching; restriction enzyme analysis. 快速设计各种类型pcr引物,还包括一些常用的dna与蛋白序列软件工具;


XML是eXtensible Markup Language的缩写,是一种简单的数据存储语言,使用一系列简单的标记描述数据,而这些标记可以用方便的方式建立,虽然XML占用的空间比二进制数据要占用更多的空间,但XML极其简单易于掌握和使用。 说白了它是一种数据库,而且是跨平台的得数据库。 使用XML的编程,几乎所有得程序都能用XML来编程。
都可以用XML来进行编程 !XML只是把需要的信息保存下来,任何语言都能从XML把信息读出来。
XML文档是文本文件,任何一种纯文本文件编辑工具都可以用XML文档的编辑,如 记事本,XML Notepad,XMLSPY等。
推荐使用 xmlspy XMLSpy是所有XML编辑器中做得非常好的一个软件,支持WYSWYG。支持Unicode、多字符集,支持Well-formed和Validated两种类型的XML文档,支持NewsML等多种标准XML文档的所见即所得的编辑,同时提供了强有力的样式表设计。 本版增加了几个很有用的功能: XSLT 调试工具,XSL 也就是所谓的扩展风格表单语言(Extensible Stylesheet Language)由3种语言组成。这三种语言负责把XML文档转换为其他格式。XML FO (XSL格式化对象:XSL Formatting Objects)说明可视的文档格式化,而 Xpath 则访问XML文档的特定部分。而 XSLT(XSL Transformations)就是把某一XML文档转换为其他格式的实际语言。 更多情况, WSDL 编辑器, WSDL就是描述XML Web服务的标准XML格式,WSDL由Ariba、Intel、IBM和微软等开发商提出。它用一种和具体语言无关的抽象方式定义了给定Web服务收发的有关操作和消息。 Java / C++ 代码生成器,这个可以从 XML Schemas 文档中生成 Java/C++ 代码。 集成 Tamino, Tamino 产品是世界第一... 下载地址 http://www.skycn.com/soft/24224.html


not any more =as……意指两者情况一样。我转换一下句子,楼主应该比较容易理解:humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food ,love or exercise===humans should not try to avoid stress as they would not shun food ,love or exercise.这样明白了吗?希望能帮到你。(*^__^*)
一、more/ less/ adj+er than注:此分析未包括as/like(一) 主语比较1.1 than前若有宾语,则其后的助词需补出,时态要据后定。主语相同可省(1). the pay of senior executives increased in 1990 by a larger percentage than did the wages of other salaried workers.(2). as a result of the continuing decline in the birth rate, fewer people will enter the labor force in the 1980s than did in the 1960s and 1970s, a twenty-year period during which people born after the war swelled the ranks of workers. (主语people相同且无定语成分则省之,但did不能省)(3). several studies have found that the coronary patients who exercise most actively are at least fifty percent less likely than those who are sedentary to die of a heart attack.(主语相同且有定语成分,必须要that/those来指代)1.2 than前只有be + adj,则其后的主语无须补助词。(1). even though bela bartoks music has proved less popular than igor stravinskys and less influential than arnold schonbergs, it is no less important.(2). in 1982 the median income for married-couple families with a wage-earning wife was $9,000 more than that for families in which only the husband was employed.1.3 than前有两个动词,比较主语无须补助词。(1). a study commissioned by the department of agriculture showed that if calves exercise and associate with other calves, they have require less medication and gain weight more quickly than those raised in confinement.(二) than后名词前的介词要补出(1). aging is a property of all animals that reach a fixed size at maturity, and the variations in life spans among different species are far greater than those among individuals of the same species: a fruit fly is ancient at 40 days, a mouse at 3 years, a horse at 30, a man at 100, and some tortoises at 150. 介宾的比较。(2). the investor who is uncertain about the future is more likely to put money into blue-chip stocks or treasury bills than into gold.(3). nowhere in prakta is the influence of modern european architecture more apparent than in its government buildings.(倒装句)(4). the human growth hormone, made by the pituitary gland, is secreted in higher concentrations during sleep than during waking hours.(三) 宾语比较,一般加that/those(1). in addition to having more protein than wheat does, rice has protein of higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet. (b-p106-19)(四) 宾语补语,比较结构修饰宾语,无须补出助词;(1). in his eagerness to find a city worthy of priam, the german archaeologist schliemann cut through troy and uncovered a civilization a thousand years more ancient than the city known to homers heroes.(2). .domestic automobile manufacturers have invested millions of dollars in research to develop cars even more gasoline-efficient than those at present on the road.(3). the man was always aware, sometimes proudly and sometimes resentfully, that he was a small-town midwesterner thrust into a world dominated by wealthier, better-educated, and more polished people than he.(4). bihar is indias state, with an annual percapita income of $111 lower than that of the most impoverished countries of the world.(5). florida will gain another quarter-million jobs this year alone, many of them in such high-paying fields as electronics and banking, making the states economy far more diversified than it was ten years ago. (需要解释)(五) likely引导的表语比较(1). st. johns , newfoundland, lies on the same latitude as paris, france, but in spring st. johns residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes than to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or seeking shelter from a raging northeast storm.(2). according to a recent study, the elderly in the united states are four times more likely to give regular finacial aid to their children than to receive it from them.(六) 宾语+介词混合结构:(1). although napoleons army entered russia with far more supplies than for any previous campaign, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.(2). once positioned in space, the hubble space telescope will capture light from source twenty times fainter than those that can be detected by ground-based instruments.(七) 句子的比较(1). in japan elderly people are treated with far greater respect than they are in most western countries.(2). for many travelers, charter vacations often turn out to cost considerably more than they originally seemed.(3). holland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product on defending its coasts from rising seas than the united states does on military defense.句子比较(4). two new studies indicate that many people become obese more because their bodies burn calories too slowly than because they eat too much.(5). dr. hakutas research among hispanic children in the united states indicates that the more the children use both spanish and english, the greater their intellectual advantage in skills underlying reading ability and nonverbal logic. (b-p106-7


第一句有问题吧,y应该是John drives more carefully than his father drives,作连词用1.用于形容词、副词的比较级之后,比... 例句:Jane is taller than me Jane比我高 2.用于 anywhere,different,else,other,otherwise 等之后,翻译成 除...之外 例句:I have nothing to tell you than my dream.除了告诉你我的理想,我没什么要告诉你 3.would rather do than do宁愿做...不愿做 4.no sooner ...than固定句型,一...就
一、more/ less/ adj+er than注:此分析未包括as/like(一) 主语比较1.1 than前若有宾语,则其后的助词需补出,时态要据后定。主语相同可省(1). the pay of senior executives increased in 1990 by a larger percentage than did the wages of other salaried workers.(2). as a result of the continuing decline in the birth rate, fewer people will enter the labor force in the 1980s than did in the 1960s and 1970s, a twenty-year period during which people born after the war swelled the ranks of workers. (主语people相同且无定语成分则省之,但did不能省)(3). several studies have found that the coronary patients who exercise most actively are at least fifty percent less likely than those who are sedentary to die of a heart attack.(主语相同且有定语成分,必须要that/those来指代)1.2 than前只有be + adj,则其后的主语无须补助词。(1). even though bela bartoks music has proved less popular than igor stravinskys and less influential than arnold schonbergs, it is no less important.(2). in 1982 the median income for married-couple families with a wage-earning wife was $9,000 more than that for families in which only the husband was employed.1.3 than前有两个动词,比较主语无须补助词。(1). a study commissioned by the department of agriculture showed that if calves exercise and associate with other calves, they have require less medication and gain weight more quickly than those raised in confinement.(二) than后名词前的介词要补出(1). aging is a property of all animals that reach a fixed size at maturity, and the variations in life spans among different species are far greater than those among individuals of the same species: a fruit fly is ancient at 40 days, a mouse at 3 years, a horse at 30, a man at 100, and some tortoises at 150. 介宾的比较。(2). the investor who is uncertain about the future is more likely to put money into blue-chip stocks or treasury bills than into gold.(3). nowhere in prakta is the influence of modern european architecture more apparent than in its government buildings.(倒装句)(4). the human growth hormone, made by the pituitary gland, is secreted in higher concentrations during sleep than during waking hours.(三) 宾语比较,一般加that/those(1). in addition to having more protein than wheat does, rice has protein of higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet. (b-p106-19)(四) 宾语补语,比较结构修饰宾语,无须补出助词;(1). in his eagerness to find a city worthy of priam, the german archaeologist schliemann cut through troy and uncovered a civilization a thousand years more ancient than the city known to homers heroes.(2). .domestic automobile manufacturers have invested millions of dollars in research to develop cars even more gasoline-efficient than those at present on the road.(3). the man was always aware, sometimes proudly and sometimes resentfully, that he was a small-town midwesterner thrust into a world dominated by wealthier, better-educated, and more polished people than he.(4). bihar is indias state, with an annual percapita income of $111 lower than that of the most impoverished countries of the world.(5). florida will gain another quarter-million jobs this year alone, many of them in such high-paying fields as electronics and banking, making the states economy far more diversified than it was ten years ago. (需要解释)(五) likely引导的表语比较(1). st. johns , newfoundland, lies on the same latitude as paris, france, but in spring st. johns residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes than to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or seeking shelter from a raging northeast storm.(2). according to a recent study, the elderly in the united states are four times more likely to give regular finacial aid to their children than to receive it from them.(六) 宾语+介词混合结构:(1). although napoleons army entered russia with far more supplies than for any previous campaign, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.(2). once positioned in space, the hubble space telescope will capture light from source twenty times fainter than those that can be detected by ground-based instruments.(七) 句子的比较(1). in japan elderly people are treated with far greater respect than they are in most western countries.(2). for many travelers, charter vacations often turn out to cost considerably more than they originally seemed.(3). holland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product on defending its coasts from rising seas than the united states does on military defense.句子比较(4). two new studies indicate that many people become obese more because their bodies burn calories too slowly than because they eat too much.(5). dr. hakutas research among hispanic children in the united states indicates that the more the children use both spanish and english, the greater their intellectual advantage in skills underlying reading ability and nonverbal logic. (b-p106-7

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